Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

General questions

Antibiotics can often alter the physiological balance of the intestinal microbiota, because in addition to acting on the microorganisms that are the cause of the infection for which the antibiotic has been taken, they also act on the good microorganisms of the intestinal flora. This breaks the balance between good and harmful bacteria in favor of harmful bacteria and creates the situation known as dysbiosis or intestinal dysbiosis which is a source of disorders such as diarrhea, bloating and abdominal bloating.

Antibiotics can often alter the physiological balance of the intestinal microbiota, because in addition to acting on the microorganisms that are the cause of the infection for which the antibiotic has been taken, they also act on the good microorganisms of the intestinal flora. This breaks the balance between good and harmful bacteria in favor of harmful bacteria and creates the situation known as dysbiosis or intestinal dysbiosis which is a source of disorders such as diarrhea, bloating and abdominal bloating.