Biopron Pregna+ Food supplement

Right from the moment of conception

No need to panic, you have always known that the clock on your baby´s life starts as early as at the point of conception -  and so does his or her fight for the best possible start in life. Yes, we agree this can sound a little scary, but don´t worry!

You as a mom have everything you need for your dearest one to win it - in your own hands.  Plus, you have never needed a safer and better care for yourself than JUST NOW! 

Read more about first 1000 days of new life

Pregna+ gives you:

  • The proper supplementation needed for your and your baby´s wellbeing during pregnancy
  • The right support for healthy development of your unborn baby including the growth of maternal tissue
  • The long-term support of your intestinal microbiota and therefore the right function of your immune system
  • The essential help necessary  after and during

By adding beneficial microorganisms to your daily diet, you will establish the most solid foundations of your baby´s immunity, optimum health, growth, and neurodevelopment. Don´t forget that the first 1,000 days matter the most! 

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